When will the ILC increase the available resources?
This is an ongoing process. In the academic year 2017-2018, approximately 200 new books were acquired through various means. The ILC's paper resources offer a wide range and there are no current plans to extend these due to physical space restrictions. Electronic resources on both Chaoxing and the FTP Server will continue to be extended based on student request in addition to other general resource availability.
2.Why aren’t there Chinese subtitles for audio-visual material?
The addition of Chinese subtitles would arguably result in less benefit for student listening skills. As long as material is downloaded, students can then review parts not understood as well and if necessary consult a dictionary from English words from the subtitles. Recent research has indicated that students can gain more from English subtitles than from both no subtitles and first language (Chinese) subtitles.
3. Are there any plans to upgrade the ILC facilities and expand the floor space of the ILC?
The floor space of the ILC was reduced in the previous academic year, which resulted in half the computers being taken out. It is hoped that this loss can be offset by strategic rearrangement. Upgrading other facilities such as furniture and internet are currently under consideration.
4. Is there an area where students can practice their speaking skills?
It is acceptable for low-level “discussion” in either room; however, in 218 discussions relating to SILC Courses and external exams are permitted.
5. Can students come to ILC more than once a week?
Yes. Students are welcome to come to the ILC as much as they want in addition to scheduled times.
6. The material in the ILC has little or no interest for me. Do I still need to come?
Yes. Students studying first year subjects need to attend ILC for 2 academic hours every week. The ILC can help your English skills, which will be necessary for other subjects in future years. In addition, feedback can be given to the ILC Coordinator for useful and interesting content.
7. Which of my English language skills can the ILC help to improve?
Desirably, all of them, however, some are more difficult to address in the ILC environment (such as writing). Students are encouraged to identify their own weak skills and then seek out relevant independent tasks (on the FTP Server or ILC Website) to help address areas of weakness.
8. Are there any plans for the ILC to open on weekends?
At present there are no plans for this. It should be noted here that the ILC is open for a total of 12 hours Tuesday-Thursday, in addition to the regular Monday and Friday times.
9. I have a class at the same time as my scheduled ILC time. Can I miss ILC?
No, you are still expected to attend for 2 academic hours per week. If you have a scheduling conflict, please speak to the ILC Coordinator and inform them of your intended alternative time.
10. Can I copy materials from the FTP Server onto my own USB?
Yes. This is encouraged, especially for course materials. Each file needs to be downloaded to the desktop before it can be copied to a USB. We understand that there is not always enough time to finish watching a movie during the scheduled ILC time and utilizing materials outside of class helps your receptive skills (listening and reading). If you are unsure how to do this, or wish to copy a large number of resources, please seek the assistance of the ILC Coordinator.