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The goal of the ILC English Portal is to encourage Independent Learning among students by providing a selection of external weblinks which students can access in order to improve their English language skills. iOS apps can be downloaded from local stores as the American store is not accessible from the links provided.
More ILTs available on the FTP Server in the ILC or on Chaoxin!
From adjuncts to adjective clauses, participles to punctuation and all points in between, the majority of websites here contain some explanation and many exercises to improve this difficult area.
Arguably the most talked about of all the English proficiency exams, the links here cover tactics for each of the sections and practice activities. In addition, some links contained real samples with explanations based on band descriptors.
Multiple Skills
The links in this section cover websites that have activities relating to many different skills without focusing on any in particular. Finding your required content depends on your ability to successfully navigate from the homepage.
News Media
One feature of the AE courses is the need for students to be aware of news and current affairs related to course themes. As such some of the major news media outlets are linked here as well as a short description of the newspaper's ideological leanings (if any).
Listening skills are key as they provide an additional source of learning many other skills, particularly vocabulary and grammar. Also, they ability to comprehend different varieties of English helps one to go further in a globalised world.
Being able to navigate longer academic and business-related texts is a challenging aspect of university level English. The websites listed in this .section aid not only reading comprehension, but also examining and evaluating arguments within texts.
The websites listed here are not only to do with expanding vocabulary, but also being able to fully use the vocabulary currently known in an accurate way. The websites also assist in correct usage for a given context.
This section is perhaps the most challenging skill for students due to differences between English writing in high school and university. It is hoped that more sites will be added here in the future.
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